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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Justice Served

Dear God,
   Yesterday, I finally got a parking ticket. I say 'finally'... It only took them four months to finally notice I'd been violating their parking procedures, but generally, with better weather comes better morals. At most, I was embarrassed: a bright orange boot on your car is certainly not a pick-me-up. And people staring? Not good for the social ego. But other than that, I felt nothing else. I deserved it. I accepted the consequences. Because that's what happens when you break rules: negative consequences.
   Although, God, I have to say, thank you for delaying their moral compasses for a bit there, otherwise, I would've had a harder time getting to work... Maybe I shouldn't thank you for that...
   I sound high and mighty, indeed. If I am, I deserve-. Oh, I'm about to curse myself: that's even higher and mightier.
   But, still, yes, I want to thank you for being as just and as merciful as you are. You always know how I need to learn a lesson. You don't make me learn something just to spite me, or prove you're better than me. When you teach me, you're not competing with me; and you certainly don't ask me to compete with you. You just ask me to be like you, which is more intimidating, to say the least, but frankly, also more inspiring: I get to learn to be like you? Kind, gracious, merciful, wise? I get to be all those things just by trying to mimic you? Thank you for guiding me as you teach me. You always want me to improve.
   God, help me graciously accept every life lesson I need to learn. I know I won't always be so perfect and understanding as I am now (haha).
   ...the sun shines on the blessed and the damned.
   It's like you know what you're doing because despite what I believe to be true of you, you always surprise me with some new facet: keeps me on my toes.
   Thank you for keeping my life, and everyone else's life in your hands.
   I love you.

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