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Friday, May 23, 2014


one lonely night - 25 January 2012 (first night of student teaching)

i desire the temporary because it is a reflection of the permanent.
so though i fall in love with shadows, and my hunger never ceases;
so though every street has an end, and the oceans have a bottom;
and though my height is not to the heavens, nor my reach across the canyons, and my vision cannot penetrate walls
i desire the temporary because it is a reflection of the permanent.
and the permanent waits for the temporary's end,
patient not for its death, but for its rebirth that it may never die again.
so though every morning has an evening
--every moon its stars, and every sun its clouds--
i desire the temporary not for its reflection but because of its reflection.
i am a reflection.
and i desire to be permanent.


So, I am a troublemaker. I am that teacher that makes exceptions. Well, more than a teacher, I am that person that makes exceptions. I am the queen of exceptions. I bend the rules all the time. All the time. Rules are not made to be broken, not really, but then they are not so rock-solid that a little flexibility is out of order.

This is difficult, but a catch comes with this: not everyone agrees with me.

It's just do agree with me.

You change your rules all the time. You do. You change your rules according to situation and person. Years ago it may've been all right to take pictures of students, but now it's not. Years before, you might've been able to drive a student home, but now it's not. But exceptions can still be made. Where do you think all those phenomenal inspiring teachers came from?

Rule benders.

But that's enough of my high horse. I'll just have to keep doing what I do to stay where I am. The status quo is not meant to be broken. ...yet.

Muahahaha. Okay.

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